This video will explain how the deep core muscles function together to move you and stabilize you and what's happening every time you take a breath.
Once you’ve made connection of the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor to your breath you can practice adding movement. Work to keep the pelvis stable as you move into these half marches.
Continuing the link of the breath to the pelvic floor to help you "feel" that pelvic floor engagement.
How to find deep core engagement and pelvic stability. This video will walk you through the steps and give you ways to tune in to your engaging your deep core.
Here is a great step to help you move from one leg off the ground to two legs off the ground placing more work at your core!
This video moves our focus to the rectus abs (think six pack abs)and the external obliques. Both muscle groups help with ribcage placement and control. This is great place to start to get those muscles back online without creating too much pressure.